Pōhai Nani Foundation

Caring for our kūpuna with care and compassion.

Pōhai Nani in Hawaiian means “surrounded by beauty.”

In the lush palms of the Koʻolau mountains, our kūpuna find a community of independent living and further support as they journey through their silver years.

The Pōhai Nani community cares for kūpuna as their ʻohana. They offer programs for active seniors, nutritious meals, and wellness programs amidst a lushly maintained landscape.

A bequest from one resident ensures the security of future residents. 

Years ago, in 1958, a caring, lovely woman made her home at PōhaiNani and became so connected to the place and the people there, that she felt a sense of ʻohana with them.

The Pōhai Nani foundation was established in 1960, after Mrs. Margaret Catton created a lasting legacy by providing the initial funding for the Pōhai Nani Foundation as a bequest from her estate. Since that first gift, the fund has grown through the generous gifts of many others as well as through investment income of the fund.

In 2023, The Pōhai Nani Foundation remains committed as ever to the original vision of Mrs. Catton.

Learn More about our Mission and Values, and please join us in our work.

Our Mission

The Pōhai Nani Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life for our kūpuna with care and compassion.

We do this through partnerships, grants, special programs. The Foundation provides funding for various projects that enhance and strengthens the experiences for kūpuna at Pōhai Nani and the surrounding communities, as well as other endeavors which thereby enhances the quality of life for all residents.

Mohala i ka wai ku maka o ka pua.

Unfolded by the water are the faces of the flowers.

Mana’o: Flowers thrive where there is water, as thriving people are found where living conditions are good.
-Olelo No’eau # 2178  Mary Kawena Pukui